UPDATE: Here is a newer picture of Neil that we took yesterday. He was just sunning himself in the window being cool, calm, and collected. Neil is a very friendly cat who is approximately 2 years old. He is healthy, up to date on vaccinations and neutered. Neil would make a great addition to any family who needs some love and wants a good listener. Neil is wise for such a young cat and has been labeled as a "lap baby."
Visit him and see how you connect with him. Call Chuck to talk about Neil 507-430-9194.
UPDATE: Here is a newer picture of Neil that we took yesterday. He was just sunning himself in the window being cool, calm, and collected. Neil is a very friendly cat who is approximately 2 years old. He is healthy, up to date on vaccinations and neutered. Neil would make a great addition to any family who needs some love and wants a good listener. Neil is wise for such a young cat and has been labeled as a "lap baby."
Visit him and see how you connect with him. Call Chuck to talk about Neil 507-430-9194.